Let It Snow


Let It Snow is a series of three unified stories written by John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle. It center around the Waffle House of Grace town, North Carolina, on the snowiest Christmas in 50 years.
The first story is “The Jubilee Express”, it talks about a girl named Jubilee as she is naturally ordered onto a train on Christmas Eve, which unfortunately crashes into a snow drift. She decided to get off the train and take refuge in the Waffle House nearby that begins series of unexpected events that prevailed throughout the rest of the book. Jubilee narrates the story in a unique and universally pleasant style.
The second narrative is called “A Cheertastic Christmas Miracle” that is written by the modern king of young adult fiction, John Green. It talks about a story of Tobin and his friends and their trip through a blizzard to the well-known Waffle House to pursuit the cheerleaders and hash browns. The third story, “The Patron Saint of Pigs,” is about a girl named Addie, who wants to be less self-centered and went to a local pet store to pick up a previously paid for teacup piglet for her friend. It’s written by Lauren Myracle who presents great, wrap-up conclusion to the novel in which all characters are united in one substantial resolution.
To conclude, I choose to write about this book because it involves humor, relatable teenage drama, reflection of life, attractive stories of love and friendship, and the substantial difficulties and benefits of human relationships.
