My Sister’s Keeper

My Sister's Keeper movie poster

My Sister’s Keeper is a movie that is a great example of storytelling, directed by Nick Cassavetes. It talks about a story of a couple whose lives are centered around their daughter Kate. Kate was diagnosed with leukemia from young age and doctors gave her little time to live. Kate’s parents wanted to save their child’s life. They undertook a decision to duplicate Kate’s chromosomes by conceiving another child. They have used Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis technique to create a donor, who will donate blood or whatever else is necessary for saving Kate. The 11 years old, Ana, is the child created in order to serve as a matched tissue donor for her elder sister Kate. Anna started donating form the moment she was born. She has donated blood, bone marrow, stem cells, and has been told to donate one of her kidneys. As the film progresses, Anna sued her parents for the right of her own body. This was what the viewers believed, until later they found out the real motivation behind the lawsuit, which was Kate’s decision to end her life and put an end for Anna’s suffering.